Saturday, April 21, 2012

Sequel to "Stargazers"

I'm currently working on a sequel to my sci-fi/horror short story, "Stargazers", which was published in the November 2011 issue of Pro Se Presents #4 (currently available on Amazon and Barnes &  The sequel, which will be called "Stargazers: Everglades", will pick up two years after the end of the original story.  Two characters from the original story will appear in the sequel.  The story will follow the same structure and style of the original, such as interconnecting subplots and cliff-hangers.


  1. I am curious to see what horrors the Everglades have to offer these poor returning characters. You are not kind to your protagonists, sir.

  2. Yeah I feel sorry for them also! Thanks for the comment, sir! Hopefully the new story will be done soon!
